
人们在地震废墟中发现了一位已经死去的母亲,她怀中的婴儿安然无恙,婴儿的衣服里有一部手机,上面有一则已经写好的短信,“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你”。 无法抗拒的天灾面前,爱心让我们更加坚强,让我们勇气倍增,鼓起我们对未来的信心。 Red Call For Donation Dear Students, Scholars, and Administrators, At 2:28pm Beijing time (1:28am CT of Monday, May 12), an earthquake that measured magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale has killed more than 7,600 people in the province of Sichuan, China. As of now, the death number has increased to over 10,000 and … Continue reading 2008汶川地震赈灾活动